What To Wear


Dressing in pioneer clothing can have a tremendous impact on the spirit of the Trek.  The following is a short description of how pioneers dressed.  It is our hope that the youth will dress likewise for the Trek.  

Young Men Clothing

Long pants (cotton; preferably no denim or jeans)
Pants should be rather loose fitting through the crotch and thigh area to add comfort in walking.  Pants made of cotton or linen will be the coolest.  Colors include:  blue, black, gray, brown, beige and tan.

Long sleeved button-up shirts
Men’s shirts were worn loose.  Plain colors were common, but stripes or plaids were also used.  Light colors will be the coolest.  Choose something larger than a regular fit, with long sleeves.

Full brim hat
Men’s everyday hats ranged from pilot caps, straw hats, wide brimmed low felt hats, or round crowned hats.  Hats could have a chin strap which is helpful with the wind.  NO BASEBALL CAPS OR VISORS.

Vest or suspenders
Pioneer pants were often held up by suspenders that were buttoned on the outside of the waistband, and crossed in the back.  Usually vests were worn only on Sunday or when attending a meeting or social event; however, these make a nice addition to a pioneer outfit.

Comfort is most important!  Running shoes or well-broken-in hiking boots are highly recommended.  If you are purchasing new shoes, you should do so as soon as possible.  Many a trekker with brand new shoes wished they would have broken them in first.

Synthetic hiking socks such as acrylic or polypropylene are recommended.  Cotton socks can cause blisters.

Links to Patterns and Tutorials

Men’s Shirt Tutorial:
Man’s Shirt Tutorial
15 Minute Pioneer Shirt

Trek Clothing for Purchase:
Etsy Trek Clothing

​Pioneer Men Clothing

Young Women Clothing

Long skirts and long sleeve blouses OR dresses
Women’s dresses could be plain or have many ruffles.  The sleeves they wore were full, long, and had buttons up the front.  Fabrics were cotton, in solid colors or small prints.  Bright colors were popular.  Blouses and skirts can be used.  Modern pioneer trekkers find that dresses and skirts should be mid-calf or above top of hiking boot in length (so they do not trip over their dresses while pulling).  Women should wear comfortable shorts under their dresses/skirts to ensure modesty while crossing rivers and to avoid chafing during the long hike.

Bonnet or full brim hat (chin strap is helpful for the wind)
Women wore bonnets whenever they were outside.  They were made of cotton with a deep stiffened brim and back ruffle to protect the neck.  Today, bonnets or straw hats for the girls are required on Trek to protect them from the sun.  A straw hat would offer the most protection from the sun!

Apron (pockets are helpful for carrying lip balm, sunscreen, etc.)
The standard apron was six to twelve inches shorter than the skirt length.  It gathered at the waist and tied.  The bib attached at the waist was pinned to the dress bodice at the top two corners.  Daytime aprons were made of calico remnants.  Sunday aprons were made from white fabric and did not have a bib.  For trekking today, large, deep pockets are useful to be able to carry items.

Shorts, leggings, bloomers, or spandex to be worn under skirt (helps reduce chafing)
Women should wear comfortable shorts or bloomers under their dresses/skirts to ensure modesty while crossing rivers and to avoid chafing during the long hike.

Comfort is most important!  Running shoes or well-broken-in hiking boots are highly recommended.  If you are purchasing new shoes, you should do so as soon as possible.  Many a trekker with brand new shoes wished they would have broken them in first.

Synthetic hiking socks such as acrylic or polypropylene are recommended.  Cotton socks can cause blisters.

Links to Patterns and Tutorials
Pioneer Skirt (Petticoat):
The Not-so-Pioneer Skirt Tutorial
Pioneer Skirt
How to make a petticoat
  – click HERE for downloadable file

Pioneer Bonnet Tutorial
Bonnet Pattern  – click HERE for downloadable file

Apron Tips
Apron Pattern  – click HERE for downloadable file
Holly’s Apron and Bonnet pattern – click HERE for downloadable file

How to Sew a Satchel

Neck Cooler:
How to Sew a Neck Cooler

Trek Clothing for Purchase:
Etsy Trek Clothing
Pioneer Women Clothing